Vocabulario para la representación de datos sobre equipamientos de una ciudad

Vocabulario para la representación de datos sobre equipamientos de una ciudad
Vocabulario para la representación de datos de equipamientos de una ciudad. Este vocabulario ha sido desarrollado en el contexto del grupo CTN178 GT3.1 sobre datos abiertos y ciudades inteligentes. El estado del vocabulario es todavía muy inicial y sufrirá cambios, sobre todo relacionados con la inclusión de nuevos tipos de equipamientos que por sus características sea interesante incluir explícitamente. Reutiliza términos de varios vocabularios y modelos que actualmente se utilizan para propósitos similares (y por tanto se irá actualizando de acuerdo con la evolución de estos vocabularios), incluyendo: - schema.org - geoNames Este vocabulario sufrirá cambios continuados hasta que se consiga un acuerdo suficiente sobre los términos que se incluyen en ella.
Creative Commons CC-BY

The following evaluation results have been generated by the RESTFul web service provided by OOPS! (OntOlogy Pitfall Scanner!). OOPS! is a software on development, and we will be happy to receive your feedbak. If you notice any issue in the evaluation, please contact us at oops@delicias.dia.fi.upm.es.

OOPS! logoIt is obvious that not all the pitfalls are equally important; their impact in the ontology will depend on multiple factors. For this reason, each pitfall has an importance level attached indicating how important it is. We have identified three levels:

It is crucial to correct the pitfall. Otherwise, it could affect the ontology consistency, reasoning, applicability, etc.
Though not critical for ontology function, it is important to correct this type of pitfall.
It is not really a problem, but by correcting it we will make the ontology nicer.

Evaluation results

Ontology elements (classes, object properties and datatype properties) are created isolated, with no relation to the rest of the ontology.

This pitfall affects to the following ontology elements:

This pitfall consists in creating an ontology element and failing to provide human readable annotations attached to it. Consequently, ontology elements lack annotation properties that label them (e.g. rdfs:label, lemon:LexicalEntry, skos:prefLabel or skos:altLabel) or that define them (e.g. rdfs:comment or dc:description). This pitfall is related to the guidelines provided in [5].

This pitfall affects to the following ontology elements:

The ontology lacks disjoint axioms between classes or between properties that should be defined as disjoint. This pitfall is related with the guidelines provided in [6], [2] and [7].

*This pitfall applies to the ontology in general instead of specific elements

It refers to reusing or referring to terms from another namespace that are not defined in such namespace. This is an undesirable situation as no information can be retrieved when looking up those undefined terms. This pitfall is related to the Linked Data publishing guidelines provided in [11]: "Only define new terms in a namespace that you control" and to the guidelines provided in [5].

This pitfall affects to the following ontology elements:
